Sunday 25 August 2024

Indecisions, indecisions. Curtailed ride from Nonsuch Park on 24 August, to Horton

Saturday morning was about as unpromising as it can get, late autumn temperatures, showers interspersed with downpours, but some of us have an immovable faith in those nice weather forecasters at the BBC, and knew that it would clear up around lunchtime so long as one was not too precise about when lunchtime might be.

It was still raining after our lunch but faith is faith and out we cycled for the meeting at Nonsuch Park.  Maggie's prediction of who would be there when we arrived proved accurate; Colin, Nigel and one other, in this case Rob 1.

But as we dithered about actually stirring up the enthusiasm to set out, Rob 2 arrived and then Helen, and we had a quorum sufficient for a ride.  Cobham was on the timetable as a long ride, Oaks Park as a short one, but we agreed to go as one group to Hampton Court.  Colin stayed behind to seek a bike fix and the leader's conch was passed to me.

My tenure of office was the Beginners equivalent of Liz Truss.  I set off full of optimism in the wrong direction and was soon deposed, as Helen took over to take us on her route from Stoneleigh, where we now found ourselves, to Hampton Court via Chessington.  The rain recommenced , at first gently but then in full force so we could hardly see, and the spreading chestnut tree under which we sought shelter was so drenched by the morning rain that it was less wet not to stand under it.

There were those who were for turning back; this was a Saturday ride, after all.  Most (except, I suspect Helen, who is training for Spain) were for not continuing to Hampton Court and there followed a debate about whether Horton Arts Centre or the Moat House was nearer, and another one about who was best placed to lead us there.  Nigel said confidently that he knew that Horton was the nearer and that he knew the way and my gullibility, already exposed by the weather man, led me to believe him.  Helen sussed out straight away that what he meant was he had a Garmin and could ask that how to get there, but only if his network was operating efficiently.

We got there in the end, our clothes drying out on us, in some disjointedness and via a circuitous route and to discover Helen was already there awaiting us, only then to see it was crammed because there was a craft fare, so we ended up at the Moat House anyway.

Of course, the weather miraculously improved ; at least Helen had the good grace to lead us a pleasantly interesting way back.  All in all, lovely tea and cake but a bit of a non-event.


Saturday 24 August 2024

Anyone available to help lead the All Day Greenwich ride on 14 September?

 I am short of leaders for this traditional ride.  Lots of the regulars are unavailable.  Intricate but really pleasant urban route.  Recces pencilled in for 2 September and 8 September but there can be some flexibility.

If you'd enjoy doing this please contact me 

Sunday 11 August 2024

Wandering down the Wandle; Nonsuch short ride 3 August

Wandering down the Wandle

By Roger 

It was just the weather for a ride – warm with a breeze, when Anna reminded me that I was leading the short ride (10-12 miles) from Nonsuch at 2pm.

The fine weather had brought out more than the usual number of riders and much to my surprise an awful lot of them of them wanted to come wandering down the Wandle with me!

It was a mixed ability group, with one or two having not ridden for a long time, who set off in a loose gaggle through the park with Maggie as back marker, At the first opportunity Paul took the initiative to create space and split into two loose groups of eight for easier and safer riding in traffic.

The route was the usual one, crossing Cheam High Street by the chippie and into Love Lane, across the A217 and down the alley alongside Seears Park then out onto Quarry Park Road and down into Sutton, turning left at James Road and heading for Bushey Road and the bus garage.

 Despite a short unintended tour of the back alleys of South Sutton we did in the end find Bushey Road and the bus garage and turned off alongside The Green, crossing Stayton Road and onto Hallmead  Road and  turning right up a footpath leading to Vernon Road and eventually crossing  on the lights by All Saints church and continuing on All Saints Road heading for Aultone Way,  Grennell Road and Rosehill Common.

Crossing the common on the refurbished bike lane and using the bike crossing next to the hospital, we continued on Robertsbridge and Revesby roads until eventually we picked up the path by the skate park leading down to the Wandle trail. Turning right along the trail we headed towards Carshalton.

Riding the trail was a pleasure; the anglers looked like they were having a good day and the Wandle flowed smooth and powerful, and without the clouds of flies so often encountered, it allowed  one to breathe deep and enjoy the scenery.

We left the trail at Watermead Lane to cross the road at Hackbridge and through the community garden to pick up the trail once more to emerge not far from Wilderness Island. Then up Mill Lane to divert left back onto the trail and taking it into Carshalton Park past the back of the Cryer Arts Centre and via an alley to emerge on Carshalton High Street and coffee at Spilt Milk.

Spilt Milk is a friendly establishment where the proprietor is happy to be invaded by thirsty bikers! It is not renowned for its fast service but we eventually all did get a drink and to sample the lovely cakes available!

One advantage of this café is that one can secure the bikes in full view from your table.

Four of the group left us there, deciding to make their own way home, and the rest of us crossed the high street and eventually made our way to Wales Avenue and the “toast rack” - the short steep hills of Harrow Road and Fairview,

The short steep hills and frequent blind turnings made keeping the group together challenging and illustrated the need for corner marking.

The drift down Cavendish Road to eventually pick up Mulgrave Road was a relief to a few tired legs and then under the bridge by Cheam Station and back to Nonsuch via Ann Bolyn’s walk.

A nice ride on a lovely day.

Saturday 10 August 2024

All day beginners ride to Woking

Sixteen riders gathered at the Mansion (including two new riders Rob and Emile). We were soon split into two groups and led by Diane and Steph heading out through Kingston for a coffee stop at Walton Bridge. We detoured into Bushy Park, sailed through the roadworks on the Hampton Road and were soon at coffee where Pam was waiting to join us. We set off refreshed direct to Weybridge, through Addlestone avoiding the busy main road and at New Haw Lock we reached our objective. We left the tarmac and entered another world. A narrow corridor of endless delight that brought us the remainder of the route to Woking. HG Wells greeted us warmly and Wetherspoons provided the essential refreshment. Return was by the same route apart from cutting north a little from Walton Bridge to come past Squires garden centre on Halliford Road (cafe open til 5pm) and take advantage of cakes and tea.

Friday 9 August 2024

Ride list for Sat 10th all day beginners

Meeting to depart at 9.30. Group 1 led by Diane Paul Justine Lillian John Kasumi Alice Sue Group 2 led by Steph Ken Karen Helen Maureen Dawn Sharon Pam (joining at Walton Bridge) Don't forget water and suncream.

Sunday 4 August 2024

Invite to a cool river/canal path ride to Woking Sat 10th August

The ride will head for Kingston, visit Bushy Park, follow the Thames and Wey/Basingstoke navigation by minor roads and towpaths to Wetherspoons in Woking, returning for the most part by the same route. Coffee at Walton Bridge and tea at Squires, Halliford. We will leave Nonesuch at 9.30. Please let me know by Thurs eve if you wish to ride. Steph 07909774234