Monday, 15 May 2017

Greenwich all day ride 13 May

Meeting at Morden Hall Park
Toni looking forward to the day...
 Our day out began quite warm and muggy outside the NT café at Morden Hall Park,  and within half an hour most of us had shed our jackets to continue in comfort over the route Harry had planned for us.  South London is quite hilly but we were following generally peaceful byways and cycle routes, and so many parks and green spaces it was sometimes hard to believe we were traversing the city! Streatham Hill, Dulwich Park and Peckham Rye (where we had a short comfort break but no coffee as the queue was ridiculous...) passed pleasantly with all in their spring finery of flowering horse chestnuts and bright, recently unfolded greenery.
Telegraph Hill gave us our best morning view of the City, though it was quite overcast at that stage of the day. 

The view from Telegraph Hill... one of many fine outlooks as we made our way across south London.

...time to catch our breath at the top

Passing along the river via Deptford, we stopped off at a memorial statue of Peter the Great of Russia, who spent several months in London studying shipbuilding - a little known episode of our city's history. The statue is now surrounded by riverside apartments but was once the heart of the shipbuilding industry.
We arrived at the Cutty Sark in Greenwich in good time, about 12 o'clock, so had an hour for our lunch break. It was a bit cooler by the river - and as usual on a Saturday, there were many people about. Some of us had brought packed lunches, some lunched in the Royal College and others found food in the market or other local cafes.  We all gathered by the Cutty Sark again before setting off on our afternoon travels. This started with the ride up to the Observatory - not a huge climb but a challenge to some of us straight from lunch! Still the wonderful view of the Isle of Dogs and Canary Wharf (below) was more than enough reward.
Our return ride across Blackheath and down to the Waterlink Way was easier going and we were able to keep a good pace for a few miles, until we came to Crystal Palace.  David and Godfrey peeled off at this point, while the rest of us made our way to the top of the Park for a spectacular view over SE London, through to the QE2 bridge and Kentish North Downs.  By this time most of the lowering clouds had disappeared, the air was clearer and we were enjoying bright sunshine. Then Harry lead us back via Norwood Grove formal gardens and a vibrant little Saturday market to the splendid Rookery Café on Streatham Hill for well-deserved tea and cake, before heading further downhill and back to Morden Hall Park by about 4.15 to finish. 
Many thanks Harry for an amazing day out and exploration of beautiful and interesting corners of our city. And thank you everyone for being such good company along the way.

Our leader checking the route...
Chatting after lunch
Ready for the afternoon...

Mission accomplished! Outside the Greenwich Observatory looking across to Gotham City, Canary Wharf.  Some of us remember when none of it was there...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks Harry, a super day out in great company. I am amazed that you managed to produce such a brilliant and complicated route and then remember it all on the day.
