Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Sou'Westers Club Kit Consultation - Tell Us What You Think


Our current blue and yellow Sou'Westers outfit has been around for quite a while now and has done us good service over the years.   Some like it, some don't, and some members have asked us to consider changing it, so we are consulting you as a member.  What are your views?  Would you pay more in the future or is it already too pricey*?   Do we need our own club kit anyway?

Please tell us what you think by completing a short online survey about Sou'Westers' club kit.

Whatever the outcome, club kit will still remain strictly optional on rides, and, if we do make changes, there will be nothing at all to prevent anyone continuing to wear the present design.

Responses are completely anonymous and we'll share a summary of the results in due course.  The survey will be open until 28 February 2022.

Please note that when you open the survey you may be invited to sign in to Google but you don't need to sign in to Google to do the survey.

Anyone without internet access can get a paper copy of the survey from any committee member to complete anonymously - please help spread the word.

*(Just as a reminder, Sou'Westers current kit costs about £35 for a short-sleeved jersey, £40 for a long-sleeved jersey, and £65 for a heavyweight long-sleeved jersey).

Sou'Westers Committee

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