Sunday, 18 June 2023

New friends and old friends; report on Beddington Beginners 17 June

By Paul

The summer had lasted over a whole week when we met at the Pavilion Cafe in Beddington Park on Saturday.  Colin was away but there were nine of us at the cafe and it was lovely to see Ray and Chris, who turned up just to keep in touch and say hello and exchange news; it will probably be a while until Ray can ride again, though his medical advice was less restrictive than last time we spoke!

We had come intending to ride to Crystal Palace but seeing the crowds in Beddington Park, we figured that the cafe there, never the quickest to serve, might be a little overcrowded and we settled on Elmers End.  We did not want too many hills in the muggy heat and we had a sub-plot to try to get back in time to enjoy some of the Wallington Music Festival.

So Elmers End it was; old hands Maggie and Paul, Anna and Roger and Ken and very welcome returnee starters Jan and Debby.  But we had not really cleared the park when someone spotted that Debby's rear tyre was as flat as a corny grandad joke and, Debby being new and having joined the ride through the internet we had not had the chance to preach the mantra; she had no spare inner tube and wheels of unusual dimensions.  Try as we might we could not get her tyre inflated and eventually we realised it was the valve itself, where it joins the tyre, from where the air was coming.  So, sadly, Debby turned back to try to make Wallington Cycles and we were down to six.

Debby is looking jolly cheerful despite her flat tyre!

There is a new cycle lane arrangement on High Street and Park Street in central Croydon, and it works better than the old one, though the hazards have switched from impatient motorists to distracted pedestrians.  Then who should we meet at East Croydon Station but Matthew and Thomas!

Dry weather is perfect for crossing the South Norwood Country Park and Branching Out, our coffee destination was just perfect.  The rain threatened and even spat, but it held off and five of us went west of Beddington Park upon our return to sample the festival.  We all had a lovely, relaxing ride; thanks everyone for the company.

Youthful music fans at the festival

And the festival?  A healthy crowd in the Library Gardens, a cold beer, local talent like Tyla Marilyn (a name for the future), Dave Sears and the Wandle Ceilidh Band; who needs Glastonbury?

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