The rides list had us going to Boxhill and/or Walton on the Hill and as each would involve a similar amount of climbing, a bit above the norm for Beginners, we settled for Box Hill as the easier route to lead. It was a dry day, a bit breezy but as good cycling weather as you are going to get at this time of year, and there were eleven of us.
Then there were the dissenters, who did not want to go up the zigzags, so we went for a compromise; tea at Ryka's and those that wanted could go home over the zigzags, those that didn't could go home through Leatherhead.
Trouble was, we were all so pleased to see Steve back with the group after a long convalescence that not everybody listened.
Nigel led us and we made Ryka's at a fair lick, for Beginners, and in good order but those who had not been party to the compromise (or perhaps did not like the look of the long queue of motorcyclists at the counter) wanted to go straight up the hill while they were still warmed up, which is fair enough.
So effectively the togetherness ended at Ryka's,
Steve led four up the hill for tea while Nigel and I stayed downhill where the six of us had tea in the wall-less marquee they have erected.
After tea I stuck to the original plan and went home solo over Box Hill, Walton and Banstead. I expected to meet Steve's group because I had not lingered over my beverage, but instead I had the chance to wave to Julie and Linda, who had climbed the hill and were looking for National Trust refreshment. Home I went only to discover when comparing notes on Strava that Steve's group had gone to Destination Bike instead of the NT. Steve said I whizzed past, but that must have been someone else!
Everybody got home via their several routes, and since Steve' group had the presence of mind to take a photo, I felt I ought to do a write-up.
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