Monday, 25 March 2024

Nonsuch 2pm Short ride " Cycling in the Rain" 23rd March

 By Roger

Despite the ride needing to end in time for the AGM that afternoon, I wondered why we said we would lead the “short ride”  down the Wandle as the wind slammed the bike shed door open and the rain slid icy fingers down my back discovering exactly where the collar of the cycle jacket did not quite fit.

We dragged the bikes out and with hail bouncing off our glasses, set out for Nonsuch and the prospect of riding along the trail, in the rain, so near to the water and so muddy and speculated if this weather might at least put off the midges.

We just about stayed upright through Sutton, despite the fierce gales funnelling through the high buildings and made it to Quarry Park Road and the only hill of the day! Through Sears Park and up Love Lane, cross by the Chippy and into Cheam Park and on into Nonsuch. Weaving through the freshly sown potholes we dripped round to the Mansion and found it in splendid isolation except for Colin sheltering close to the wall.

Where have all the cyclists gone?
Nonsuch Mansion

We waited as the rain eased and some sun crept out, and still not another soul emerged bedraggled with damp clothes and uncertain wet brakes to join us. So, at ten past two we set sail for “Spilt Milk” in Carshalton where we met Paul and Maggie and over a reviving coffee and slab of cake speculated just how horrid riding the trail in the mud and tree roots in a hail storm might be and glad that home was now just ten minutes away.

There is a theory about some people having a “Personal Cloud” as this is the second time, I have been scheduled to lead a ride down the Wandle and instead have waited in vain in a downpour for other half drowned souls to join me. Perhaps next time when there is a drought……



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