Monday 2 September 2024

August 31st. A long short ride to Merton Abbey Mills from Nonsuch.

It was anticipated that we would be down to the bare bones on leaders on the last Saturday of August, and that was before Nigel, whose turn it was to take the short ride, had to go to hospital about his eyesight.

So I quickly drew up a short(ish) route on Ride with GPS and resolved to go to Nonsuch and take Nigel's place.  If no other leaders turned up, then experienced riders such as Karl and Paul, I figured, could stretch their legs out on Box Hill or wherever riding on their own or in  bunch.  It had been a miserable morning weather-wise and although the rain had stopped by lunchtime there was still an unhealthy wind and a lot of grey clouds.  One can never predict Beginners, though, and a healthy crowd turned out, including a couple of registered leaders, so everyone got a choice of rides.  

The long ride went off first, led by Steve W, and only then did I realise that my group was a bit too big for comfort.  Tony, straight from holiday and not in the mood for leading, took the initiative and stepped in, taking an alternative group his own route to MED.

Though I say so myself, I reckon I gave my lot the more picturesque ride, up Green Lane, past the crematorium and Cannon Hill Common, through the alleys and lanes that take you through the old villages of Morden and Merton to approach the Mills from the Colliers Wood direction.

Not quite a holiday in the MED.  Photos by Maggie

After a delicious but fairly expensive tea and cake we reorganised into groups designed to take people near to their homes.  Tony led back towards Nonsuch and I went through Morden Hall Park and past what sounded like a jolly exciting football match at Tooting and Mitcham, up the Wandle Trail, shedding passengers as we passed their best routes home.

Thanks to all for understanding that we were in a bit of leader difficulty, and for holiday-weary Tony for stepping in to help.


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