Sunday 8 September 2024

September 7th. Four Find Sunshine. Beginners short ride to Flittons.

Four Find Sunshine 🌞 

On a miserable grey day with threatening rain a good number of cyclists turned up at Nonsuch Park but the majority cycled off with Steve W and Paul J for the longer ride. That left Carolyn who was leading, Colin and Maggie. Just as we were about to leave Steve H arrived, decided he was unlikely to catch the others up, so joined us to cycle to Flittons. 

Prepared for rain and zipped up in suitable attire we left the park to the accompaniment of music from the FeastyFest event in Cheam Park. Over the A217 where the traffic works and lights meant our crossing was traffic free on one side and a traffic jam on the other thus easy to navigate. 

Down Quarry Park Road and we were beginning to shed our layers as the sun came out and the humidity took effect.  Through Sutton we crossed the busy pedestrian High St and made towards Carshalton and almost knocked on Nigel's door, so rare is it for him to be otherwise engaged on a Saturday afternoon. 

Through the back streets and up to Carshalton Road where we crossed and took King's Lane before turning left, descended Harrow Road and ascended Hill Road.  Soon we were cycling past Casa Ponte (the former Vinoteca), towards Stanley Park junior school and  crossing the road to make our way to the allotments.  Then up to the smallholdings, emerging opposite Flittons for a welcome cup of tea.

                           Photo taken by Keith, a Wallywalker, also enjoying tea in Flittons.

After tea we returned via the smallholdings to separate quite quickly and make our several ways home. 

Thank you Carolyn for leading and keeping the rain away.!

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